NFL Week 9 Award Breaking Bad Style
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Just because you shot Jesse James, don’t make you Jesse James AWARD: Lamar Jackson 

Tom Brady is Jesse in case you missed it.

Lamar’s twitter chorus sang their favorite hymn Sunday night. Bravo to the kid for grinding and improving but are we really calling him an elite QB? Imagine raving(no pun intended) a quarterback throwing for 264 yards in a game? For some reason, the Twitter choir praises anything Lamar does that’s positive and goes ghost when there’s negative. 

I’m far from anti-Lamar. He does pose unique matchup problems. But for fuck’s sake, Mike Freeman thinks he’s a legit MVP candidate! Let’s slow down before we crown this kid, especially when his weaknesses are so glaring. 

Say My Name award : Russell Wilson

I love Russell Wilson he’s from my hometown and despite his goofiness he’s everything that’s right with sports as cliché as that is. As spectacular as Wilson’s highs have been until this year his valleys were inversely as low. 

Sunday’s game was the sleepy kind of game that Seattle and Wilson have lost in the past. Tampa gave Seattle their best shot, but they survived largely on the back of a 5 TD performance from Wilson. With 22 TDs and only one interception Wilson is now the undeniable front runner for MVP. 

Explain yourself Award: The Green Bay Packers

The Packers were dominated by the Chargers 26-11, ending an impressive run during which the Packers were considered among the NFL’s elite teams. Before Sunday, the Packers were riding high with a 7-1 record and Aaron Rodgers was making his arm doppelganger Patrick Mahomes look like the flavor of the month.
Aaron Rogers finished the game with a total of 161 passing yards and the other Aaron(Jones) only had 29 yards. It was a very odd and flat performance for a team that was positioning itself as one of the strongest in the league.



Categories: IB SPORTS